Lonely cat games smartmovie 4.15 cracked signed s60v3 s60v5

Ini ni,aplikasi buat 5320 lagi,aplikasi ini berguna untuk memutar video,pokoknya enak deh pakainya daripada video player bawaan^^

Features :

* Standard AVI format, allowing you to preview converted files on your PC
* Also plays MP4V, FLV and 3GP file formats
* Player uses the phone screen in portrait or landscape mode, utilizing the full screen size of the device
* Rescaling of video to utilize the full screen area
* Support for subtitles - allowing you to watch movies in different languages
* Friendly PC converter - preview videos on PC, select parts you want to convert, change conversion quality
* Converter supports DirectShow codecs, so you may use video codecs downloadable from the internet
* Fast conversion; on a standard PC conversion is 5x faster than the video clip playback time.
You'll convert entire movie in just a few minutes
* Quality rescale algorithm in player, delivering best possible picture quality
* Customizable video player (brightness, language, volume, and more)
* User-friendly interface - watch movies, don't waste time configuring obscure settings

Lonely Cat Games SmartMovie V.4.15 - Craked signed

APP Name.............: SmartMovie
Platform.............: SymbianOS9.x S60v3.S60v5
version..............: 4.15
Company..............: Lonely Cat Games
Rlstype..............: [x] Cracked [ ] Keygen [ ] Patch [ ] Serial [ ] Loader [ ] Other [ ] non
For un Hacked System.: yes

ini linknya:

Cara penginstalan
1.install yang uncracked
2.install yang cracked(timpa yang uncracked)


8 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

np aq g istl yg cracked y????
bingung aq....

andrison mengatakan...


download dulu patch buat rompatcher

setelah didownload ditaruk di folder patches di handphone(di memorycard)

Anonim mengatakan...

smart movie na cm g isa play flv video y???
di hp aq g isa lo...
cm isa mp4 aj...
kq qt y???


Anonim mengatakan...

yang uncracked dah diinstall, trus yang crack ngga bisa "kesalahan sertifikat..."katanya, gimana boz???

Anonim mengatakan...

Gmana cara nampilin subtitlenya

Anonim mengatakan...

yg uncrak donlot dimana??

the tamseu mengatakan...

aduh, expired certificate, gimana nih?

GST Training mengatakan...

Amazing blog and very interesting stuff you got here! I definitely learned a lot from reading through some of your earlier posts as well and decided to drop a comment on this one!

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